I have bought a second hand shed, large enough to be an art studio and with help of father in-law and uncle Colin ( the shed supremo expert) and a near divorce due to husband's total inability to work with his wife or take instructions from her on this DIY project - why do men hate being told what to do by their wives? !
We have erected it.
Having been told by a couple of well meaning relatives that sheds should be painted green, I have painted it lavender, mixed by myself with white undercoat and artists oil paint to get the perfect colour.
Initially I doubted my choice, while the wet paint was on just one side, and husbands face was a picture!
But, I "slept on it" and the next day went down the garden to look at it, a fresh, and thought Yes!
My neighbour June said "Wow", my friend Helen said "Oh, Wow!" and so the colour has gradually spread to the rest of the shed. Now only the back of the shed remains brown, its hidden by a conifer behind, and the spiders have taken up residence there, so I will wait until I'm at my most robust before tackling that.
Such peace! Oh God, the utter bliss of a shed of ones own! Away from the Budgies! away from washing up! away from the phone! Away from the road! Away from the house and all the chaos it contains!
Did I say it was peaceful? Why should men have all the fun, why shouldn't women have sheds too!
In my shed I have a small wooden, ornate folding table, with barley twist legs, rescued and renovated by me.
I have an easel and three chairs and a darling little door mat; and that is it.
No other stuff is allowed in my shed, unless its paint, pencils or pens.
I have got to insulate it before the winter gets going, I've been given many rolls of recycled plastic bottle insulation fluff by the in-laws. Initial elation turned to doubt, when it dawned on me that I would be surrounded by plastic instead of the sweetly scented timber that it currently is, not sure I want this in my shed, I'm getting very picky about my shed, things have got to be just right if it is to do with my shed, heaven help the world if I was to apply this notion to my life!
Also, I would like to have electricity in my shed. It's a long way down the garden from the house, so this may be too expensive, but I will investigate this, ideally I'd have some renewable energy supply, like a wind turbine or solar power-way out of my league financially, I would love to have a little log burner in there -way too dangerous though, and not enough room either.
For now there is nothing I enjoy more than just leaving the house behind, walking down to my shed, and just sitting in it, watching the garden from a pleasanter angle, listening to the grass hoppers and the twitter of the long tailed tits in the trees around me, utter blisss.
As far as my painting goes, it works a treat, due to lack of disturbance, I started and completed a painting for my friend Joan, within three weeks, unheard of before.
I was always too busy, washing up in order to be able to get to the sink to clean out the budgies, so I could answer the phone and get the hoovering done, before the Jehovah's Witnesses turned up, so I could do the shopping, after talking to Mum on the phone,
before I cooked the dinner....